Nathan Jendras
Pitching Trainer/Coach
Coach Nate is currently pitching at North Central College, where he continues his baseball career while pursuing a PhD in Exercise Science and a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Before transferring to North Central, Nate pitched at NAIA Montreat College, where he further developed his skills on the mound.
Having trained extensively with Mark Sheehan for several years, Nate has brought his knowledge and passion for pitching to Canes Illinois, where he has been coaching for the past two seasons.
Born on June 12, Nate is the son of Daryl and Laura. He finds inspiration in his favorite Bible verse, Psalm 18:39: “For you armed me with strength for the battle; you humbled my adversaries before me.”
Coach Nate’s ability to connect with and train athletes of all ages in the art of pitching is unparalleled. His approach not only focuses on the technical aspects but also builds strong, trusting relationships with his players, allowing them to learn and develop with confidence.